Welcome to Stuff About Japan!

This is an informational website about the country of Japan. It was originally created for a high school web development class.

I hope you enjoy it!


Located on an archipeligo in East Asia, Japan is a country rich in history and culture. The people there try to be as peaceful as possible, which has led to a very polite society. They are, however, very accepting of foreigners and understand that they may not know or be able to follow all of the traditional rules of their society. A few things you should be sure to never do though are:

These things are all considered very rude to them and should be avoided at all costs.

It will probably be useful to also know that Japan's law allows it's citizens to follow any religion that they may choose. Some of the more popular ones are Shinto, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Christianity.

Click here for a page of frequently asked questions about Japan.